Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Feeling Down?

Spoke some pot and listen to this song


Passion Pit - Take A Walk

Unless the title of their new album is "How To Go Soft on Your Fanbase with this First Single," I'm not sure I'm a fan. See for yourself though. (I hope you got the quasi-U2 reference with the hypothetical album title)


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dirty Projectors - Swing Lo Magellan

Just in case you've been under a rock for the last month or so and didn't see the ads for Dirty Projectors' new album, here's a listen to the title track from it. It's pretty sick dick.



One of my favorite songs from one of my favorite bands. You should listen to them simply because their name refers to Rugrats if nothing else.


Dirty Beaches


New Shoreline Is

After a long hiatus I am back to tap your sack.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Battles - "Ice Cream"

Look at that yum-yum picture yo!


"Mixed Emotion" by Tanlines

My brother sent me this album yesterday. It's been on repeat ever since.

"Mixed Emotion" by Tanlines

This album sounds like Paul Simon through a house lens. The lead singer, Eric Emm, a hybrid of Stephin Merritt's bass (Magnetic Fields) and Dan Whitford's (Cut Copy) airy... ness. If you can imagine these combinations, you can understand why I can't stop listening to this. Perhaps an early album of the year?

Listen to the album in full, for free, on NPR (link above)
Enjoy the weather. Esta primavera!


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Delorean: "Infinite Desert"

Makes me want to dance!

Subsiza is two years old, but this jam, "Stay Close", and "Real Love" just make me want to dance! 


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Nostalgia for your ears.

My favorite songs off of AIH's album, In Case We Die. If only their other albums were as good. They'd definitely be one of my favorite bands.

"It's 5!" - Architecture In Helsinki
"Wishbone" - Architecture In Helsinki
"Maybe You Can Owe Me" - Architecture In Helsinki


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Kid Cudi's New Alias: WZRD

I love Kid Cudi's first album, Man on the Moon. Rarely do I like an artist who dabbles in the current pop-rap genre, but every once in a while (an extremely long, seemingly immeasurable, while) there is an artist who impresses me not because of their raw talent or clever approach but because of an intangible quality, a quality that I can't exactly put my finger on. In this case, I can only best describe this quality as honesty. There's something brutally honest about Man on the Moon. The rhymes are not particularly great, the beats are catchy but unsurprisingly soulless. Yet I still find myself sympathizing with many of his views on loneliness, solipsism, and happiness. It also helps when you have the likes of Ratatat and Kanye (ugh, yuck, *vomits*) featuring/producing on your debut album. The second album I won't talk about because it is basically a much worse version of the first.

All of a sudden! Cudi wants to get off drugs, get clean, and make a drastic artistic switch from pop-rap to rock. I know this seems bizarre at first, and it will continue to seem bizarre, because it is. I know this sounds incredibly harsh and mean, but my first response to WZRD's debut album, self entitled, reminded me of a Pink album, or something to that extent. Songs range from fuck the world, to whining about love, to questions of identity. Unfortunately, the music suffers even more. We no longer have production that is rap oriented and influenced by alternative music. We simply have poor rock instrumentation. I wouldn't go so far as to say it sounds like Dwayne Carter is holding the guitar, but it really doesn't sound too far from that derelict.

In summation---

  • Pink, with a "man's" voice
  • Rapping, instead of belted raspy, pop progressions
  • Dissonant and cacophonous sounding rock instruments
  • Seemingly unfocused, lame

Hopefully, Man on the Moon III is better and that Cudi doesn't become an artistic victim drug abstinence. 

- Woland

Friday, January 20, 2012

Real Estate's New Album, "Days"

A near perfect album in my book, 'Days' beats out Beirut's 'Rip Tide' for album of the year. Real Estate is once again able to keep their sound consistent  without seeming repetitive or boring. In fact, the melodious, intertwining guitar riffs, simple up-beat drums, and catchy Beach-Boy-esque vocal progressions vary enough and in such a way that they successively expand and innovate their sound within their own sound, ya know what I mean? But hey, anyone who can make relaxing, catchy, yet substantive California rock music, I'm about you.

Here is my favorite song by on the album:

Real Estate - Municipalities

-- Pagoda's Real Estate post below is a better quality video of the song, but it is also acoustic.

- Woland

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


This is the catchy, girly song appearing in a romantic comedy. Give it a listen yo!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Morning Teleportation

The first time I saw this band was when they opened for Modest Mouse at the House of Blues in Boston. I blacked in for the last few songs.

A Quick One While You're Away


Tuesday, January 3, 2012